You’re so nice – now go away

I went on a date with a guy a couple of weeks ago who has been one of those who persist in thinking we will eventually work out. I’ve known him for about four years and while we are great friends, I don’t see anything else coming of this relationship. Ever. But in his mind all he has to do is keep bugging me and eventually he will wear me down.

Take our date, for instance. I actually considered it more of a Friends Dinner than A Date because I have no “feelings” towards him. And he knows this. But ah, the male ego – how doth it bloat and make weak things such as “a snowball’s chance in hell” into a 50/50 chance. Ha.

Evan (not his real name): “It’s been too long! Why don’t you see me more? I am the coolest guy you know, right?”

Moi: “Oh yeah, definitely the coolest. Thus why after four years of knowing you I only consent to dinner once a year and the occasional email.”

Evan: “I think it’s because you are scared of me. I’m too real for you.” (all said with a surreptitious smile)

Moi (after dramatic eye rolling): “Yes, Evan, you are oh so too real for me. Do you even know what you mean by that? Or are you just trying to impress me with wordplay?”

Evan: “Huh?”

Ah, Evan. Evan, Evan, Evan, you just think by coming along and throwing compliments my way every 6-8 months or so that I will fall at your knees like every other female being who finds you as attractive, dashing, and successful as you know and think that you are. Personally, I think I am just a challenge for you that you refuse to give up on. Sadly for you, I am not interested one iota. Yet you fail to realize this time and time again. I decided to take a much more direct approach to Evan.

Moi: “Seriously, do you honestly think we would ever work out? You LOVE having women adore you, you are insanely vain as evidenced by your twice a day workouts [he is a triathlete, I’ll give him that] the fact that I’m pretty sure you took twice as long to get ready for tonight compared to me—”

Evan: “Yes, but you already look beautiful. You don’t need that much time. Me? (points to his body, motioning up and down) This takes work, baby. I can’t look this good without some effort. You…you’re effortless.”

Moi: “Well, thank you, but back to my point. We have fun, share sharp banter, but honestly? The idea that we would or could ever somehow be a couple is just pure conjecture on your part. It doesn’t make sense. And I think you know it but you love the thrill of the chase because I don’t give you what you want and you are convinced that at some point down the road, I will break and you can throw up the victory sign. We are FRIENDS – always have been and always will. Not too mention I am just too brilliant for you. I don’t think you could ever keep up.” (said with a smile)

Evan (laughing): Oh my gosh, do you know how much I totally adore you? You crack me up! Angie, why can’t you just marry me already?”

Moi: “You mean besides the fact that I’m not in love with you, we’ve only seen each other maybe 4 or 5 times in the past four years, we hardly talk ever except for those out-of-the-blue emails and all that jazz?”

Evan (leaning forward on his elbow, smiling wide): “Yeah, seriously, besides all of that, why wouldn’t you want to marry somebody like me?”

I smiled, leaned in, and whispered, “Because I really, really can’t stand you.”

Men. Sheesh.

I will say this for Evan. He is good for a nice meal once a year. 🙂

All growed up


I’m a little sick to my stomach today. Just thought I would share that. My stomach has been doing flips and flops all night long, mainly because I think the sickness that was rapidly rotating through members of my family finally caught up to me in some form or another. It could also be a little bit due to stress. Maybe just ever so slightly due to stress…

Not that I’m stressed, heavens no! I know exactly what I’m doing these days. I’ve got a job that will last me forever – as long as I move. I’ve got a home that I’ll love forever – until it sells some day here soon. I’ve got The Guy who will be – oh wait…

I was reminiscing the other day how I used to long for the days when I could finally be an adult and do whatever in the heck I wanted. I remember being 11 and wishing I was 21 so I could have my own car, go wherever I wanted to, and not have to do whatever my parents told me to do. Clean my room? Naaaaah. Think I’ll just go hang out with friends. Go to bed early? No way, Jose. I like the night life. I like to boogie. Practice the piano? Uggggh. Can’t I just go outside and play?

Man, that was the life. My hardest decisions were all around cleaning my room (to avoid my parents unholy wrath), practicing the piano, playing soccer and volleyball, doing homework, and getting to bed early. Nowadays, I LONG to get to bed early, I relish any time I get to play the piano, I wish I could play volleyball every day, and having things clean at home is a top priority. 

Oh no! I have grown up and become a BORING ADULT. 🙂

Actually, I am a stressed out boring adult who tries to make herself interesting. Gotta give props to myself for trying, right? Perhaps I am not too boring, I mean, everyone I work with is VERY interested in my life these days. And I wonder why…hmmm…I think it has something to do with blue boxes like these:


After getting back from my vacation last week with The Guy, I think I have been approached no less than 38 times with people fixated on a certain finger on my left hand. I immediately know their game and have to have a little bit of fun with them. I will talk for minutes on end with my arms crossed just so they can’t get a glimpse.

“Hey, Angie! How was your cruise last week? You’re looking a little tan.” (quick glance to my hand, crestfallen gaze as they realize I’ve got it covered up)

“Oh my goodness, it was so much fun! A week goes by faster than you think.”

“Uh huh, uh huh. [head nodding up and down – they’re not really paying attention to anything I say…the stare just continues]. That sounds like fun. [What does, exactly? I haven’t said anything I’ve done yet!] So, any big events take place?” (the sly grins come out in full force)

“Big events? Well, I wasn’t kidnapped by the drug cartel as you can obviously determine. I did do a little parasailing, jet skiing, and zip lining which was a riot.”

“Riiiiiight. Well, I meant something of a more permanent nature.” (head nod towards my arms folded across my chest)

“Permanent? Why are you nodding at my chest? No, I did not get a boob job.” (suddenly the face flushes red and the nervous laughter starts)

“No, no! That’s not what I meant! Ha ha…hmmm…ha ha, you’re funny. I was thinking something more along the lines of life changes, maybe with some new jewelry attached…”

“Well, I thought about piercing my belly button for all of about two seconds. But then I realized that I was in Mexico and I may just get some horrid disease that will make my belly button turn green and I’ll have raging fevers where I speak rapidly in Spanish. That and also I hate needles – with a passion. So I just picked up a couple of anklets from little street vendors.”

By this time, I have thoroughly and completely exhausted my colleagues and they just kind of sigh and say, “Well, I’m glad you had fun.”

“Sure did. Thanks for asking!” And as I walk away I wave at them…with my right hand.

There are those who are a bit more abrupt and just drop by my cube and blurt out, “Where’s the ring?” 

I pretend to break out in fake tears and crumple over onto my desk. Okay, so I only did that once because the guywho blurted out that question has been ASKING ME THAT for the past 5 months! Give it a  rest, Mikey. Believe me, should that day ever come, word will spread like wildfire. And mainly because there are only about 100 of us left in our building. 

Sigh…my stomach is grumbly. Sure wish I had something on my mind to distract me from the pain – HA! 

Ah, to be 11 again.

Gimme da love (instead of today)

Yuck. It’s Tuesday. But it sure feels like a Monday. Or a Mondazy as I sometimes lazily call it. I should be so happy that I have a shortened work week. Instead I feel like today has been a punishment for having an extra day off. Where’s the love?

Snow. Why snow, why? What is it about your natural cycle that prompts you to occur at EXACTLY the time I need to head into work – and then again at EXACTLY the time I need to head home? Aaarrrgghhh.

Accidents. They happen. Unfortunate part of driving that they may be, how in the world do you jump into a big semi-truck full of 47,000 lbs of frozen patties (the MickyD variety) and promptly fall asleep TWENTY minutes after heading out? Thank you, thank you oh so much for the added delay of trying to get out of Davis County. I hear there are amazing substances that could help in your sleep deprived state: No-Doz, Red Bull, Pixie Sticks, Ginseng, a pencil to your upper thigh. All of these might have been of some assistance to you before you decided to try driving this morning. Instead there will be 47,000 people unable to purchase a $.69 cent Tuesday special. Sheesh.

Work. Sigh…it did not go well today. I am not one to use profanity but after a few project meetings, a run in with one sr. manager who just felt it was her absolute mission to drive me insane today, and the LAMEST questions I’ve ever had to respond to by supposedly “bright and intelligent” co-workers, a few saucy tidbits of vocabulary were just a teetering on my tongue. 

All of this brings me to the fact that I would love to start my weekend back over again. I had a fantastically wonderful weekend spent with Caden and The Guy. Friday, The Guy took me out to dinner at Ottavios down in Provo {little note: he’s not a big believer in going out to eat on Valentines Day – too long of a wait, overcrowded places everywhere, sugar overload; I am not overly sentimental about the particular day, just as long as something happens that is “special”}. Oh my goodness, I absolutely adore this restaurant. Try hearty Italian dishes served with a side of accordian music and the occasional operetta. This place oozes Italian ambience and I absolutely love going to eat there. The owner walks around constantly, asking folks how their evening is going, is the food good, are you enjoying the music and so on. You MUST try this little restaurant. I promise on my life you will not be disappointed.

vday-09-003Saturday I took Caden out to dinner at Tucanos (his choice) because he loves “the meat place”. They had the restaurant all decked out in perfectly lovely ambient lighting, a single rose as a centerpiece at each table, and chocolate covered strawberries for a surprise treat. I love spending time with this kid and we had a most enjoyable early dinner before heading over to see the The Pink Panther 2. Cute movie. I liked it better than the first one. And when I got home, guess what was on my front porch? 🙂


And that’s not all he surprised me with. He gave me something else that I plan on keeping with me day in and day out. Well, at least for the most part. 😛 


{still not the blue box variety – but nonetheless a big surprise!}

Act I: Try to act interest in hopes the acting will turn into actual interest

Or, in other words, How to Learn to Like (Tolerate) Baseball Because Your Boyfriend’s Life Nearly Revolves Around It.

Yes, that’s what I’ve been practicing over the past 6 months of my life – learning to tolerate and then actually like baseball. I’ve always enjoyed going to baseball games but watching it on TV was akin to watching dust settle on my blinds. So thrilling. Innings without any action at all. Fat athletes that are grossly overpaid {if you are being paid $30 million over 5 years, can you not afford a trainer to keep you a bit fit instead of becoming a ball player with a gut hanging out over your belt? Puh-lease}.

The Guy loves the Chicago Cubs. Wait, I didn’t say that exactly right. He ADORES/WORSHIPS/RELISHES the Cubbies and has since 1984 {he reminds me of this little fact all the time}. I’m used to being around a baseball fanatic because one of my best friends, Ryan, whom I work with is a huge Cubs fan and we’ve known each other for nearly a decade. All I’ve heard for years is the sob story of a Cubbies fan. I get the angst they feel over a team that hasn’t won the World Series since 1908. The Guy has started to draw me into the angst and when he told me it had been 100 years since they last won the World Series, I made the observation, “Well, then this is definitely their year. Time to break a 100 year old drought.”

Unbeknownst to me, I have come to find out over the past few months of talking about the Cubs with The Guy that I am something of a baseball savant. I have correctly predicted almost all of the games The Guy would question me about and even came down to calling out plays.

“They’re losing, Angie! They’re down by 2 runs! And it’s the bottom of the 8th. What are we going to do?!?”

“No worries, The Guy! I bet the next batter up is going to hit a double and the guy after him will homer it out of the park.”

And thus Angie said it and thus it was done.

Seriously, that has happened so many times. I told him it was okay that the Cubs went through a slump in July and that they would probably have another one late August and early September. But then I said they would start to come back so that they would hit their performance stride when it mattered most: October. And here they are, National League Division Champions. Man, I totally rock. 🙂

I couldn’t promise him for sure that the Cubs would win the World Series {hey, I may be a savant but I’m no psychic}, just that this was their year. And along the way I’ve come to recognize players names so that instead of saying What’s-his-face or Whose-His-Bucket. Come October, I will actually be cheering on Soto, Soriano, Zambrano, Theriot, Fukudome, Lee, and so many more (I can’t believe I remembered that many names!). GO CUBS!!!

899 things to say

Oh man, oh man, what a week. You know I’ve been busy when it takes me an entire week to post something else on this little diddy I like to call a blog.

My life over the past week consisted of a major work project that garnered some much needed kudos (’bout time after all the hell it really put me through), taking Caden from soccer to football to soccer to football again and again, no dating at all (busy lives have a hard time finding time to intertwine…especially when they reside almost 80 miles apart),  and ensuring my home is in tip-top shape for an open house (held last Saturday). I am so TIRED.

Last week, I remember several occasions of being at work or sitting at practices and just thinking, ‘Gosh, how I would love to just go to sleep right now’. Sleep – what a beautiful thing. I would love to spend an entire week being lazy in some hotel on a beach (the Marriott I stayed at in San Juan comes to  mind) just sleeping, reading, and occasionally eating. Just me. No kid. No work. No The Guy. No commute. No noise. Just moi. Heck, forget the week, I’d take three days! (call me selfish but that’s where I’m at these days)

Even though I haven’t posted in a week, I’ve seriously had 899 things I could have shared on my blog because my head has been filled to the brim with thoughts about life, dating, work, kids, school, sports, and whatnot. It’s funny how you almost start to categorize your thoughts when you are keeping up one little online journal that you somehow find appropriate to share with the world…or the 6.5 people who care to read it. When I observe life occurrences or hilarious happenstances, I tend to think, “Maybe I will blog about that.” And let’s see, how many times did I think that over this past week? Oh yeah…899 times. But who’s counting.

I thought about blogging regarding a lunch date I was on with Caden Saturday afternoon after his football game. We went down to Tucanos Brazilian Grill down at The Gateway for a little salad, meat, and rolls. Next to our little twosome was a birthday party comprised of about 10 adults. This is how their meal went down:

  • The woman who was celebrating her birthday went head over heels and face-planted into her birthday cake; she did this as she was trying to stand up as the servers came to court her with the rousing bongo-drum-banging Brazilian version of Happy Birthday. Sad. All that wasted frosting.
  • Another lady party-goer clearly enjoyed being the “storyteller” of the group and proceeded to share her one pregnancy story (VERY LOUDLY) that happened so long ago I don’t believe dinosaurs had yet left the earth. Um, excuse me, but the LAST thing I want to hear about when trying to eat tasty tidbits of meat is just how very painful and needful it was to strip your membranes in order to push your nearly 11 lb child into this world. I think I will become a vegetarian.
  • The youngest gentleman (who was probably 48) got into a heated discussion on the when/how/why to breed dogs when they are in heat. I will never look at female dogs again in the same light.
  • At least two of the couples were quite the May-December romances. For one couple, it was more like May 1910-December 1980 romance. Seriously, YUCK. Caden couldn’t help but notice that and asked, “Is that her grandpa?” “It sure should be, buddy, it sure should be.”

Yes, good times, good times. I don’t know if my appetite will ever return to go eat at that restaurant sometime in the next 10 years, but we’ll see.

So there you have it. One thing I thought to blog about and I actually posted it. One down, 898 left to go.

Life as it currently is

Sometimes words just get in the way of what you really want to say–you feel something more than you can express it. That’s why these images portray more of my life as it currently is than words could adequately convey.





What I want?

Because he makes me laugh

The Guy is sitting on a plane in Seattle at this moment. He sent me this text message:

“Some girl has a t-shirt on that says ‘I danced on the bar at Coyote Ugly’. I want one that says ‘I am glad I was not there to see it’.”

He kills me.

From part to part


I love this picture. I love that it’s not completely in focus, it looks like a scene swirling with motion and emotion. I love that it’s with one of my favorite people in the world, my cousin April. I love that whenever we see each other, we have a million things to talk about and we love spending time just chatting away. I love that I grew up being so close to her and my other cousins. The other thing I love about it is that it looks like we’re caught in the middle of telling each other a great joke. You can tell we like each other, we’re having a great time, and boy, don’t you wish you could be in on the conversation too?

I just had to post this pic because I’ve been thinking a lot lately about people that mean something to me. I’m talking really mean something – as in, “So-glad-I-know-you-get-to-talk-to-you-be-your-best-friend-always-stay-in-touch” type of implication. Maybe it’s perhaps that I’ve spent this summer being close to just one person vs. spending more time with a variety of people. The past two summers I spent a lot of time going to parties, socializing at Lake Powell, datingdatingdating, and being a little more free and easy with my schedule. Not so much this summer.

There are many great and wonderful things to having someone to share your time and life with. I haven’t had a boyfriend (well, longer than a couple of months, anyway) for quite some time so spending the last 8 months with just one guy – The Guy – has been an interesting turn of events. I enjoy so much of what we do together. I relish our conversations, our ability to talk, be silly, debate, and just have fun one on one. But lately I have been missing the “glitz and glamour” (hahahaha) of single-girl-party-life that I had for a wee bit. I was always getting texts to “Come to J’s house @ 10; bring C&D (chips and dip)” or “My band’s up in PC (Park City); come up!” or “Wakeboarding – 7 a.m.; $20 for gas”. Sigh…it was exciting to be doing so much with so many. Yet it was extremely exhausting. There was a party every other weekend and most of these people just seemed to want to stay single forever; no responsibility, no hindrances, no cramp in their freedom. I was looking for something more.

So even though I have moments of wishful thinking or fond memories of what once was, I don’t regret or miss too often the busy days of yore. But a party or GNO here and there would be just so nice…

(April – have you rescheduled that party yet? 🙂 )

Yo, so, you come here often?

Remember this guy, Joey, from While You Were Sleeping? I think his twin found me in Vegas. There I was, perusing the buffet line at South Point, and I guess looking a little lost because this guy comes up to me and asks, “You-a lookin’ a little confused, there, sweetaaaarht.” “Oh no, I’m just trying to decide what I want to eat.” “You wanna eat some-a this, I mean, come on now…” “Um, yes, I will…”

I start to move down the line towards the fruit and he follows me asking, “So, uh, where you from?”

Not glancing back at him, I reply, “I am from Utah.” (that oughta shut him up)

He grimaces, puts the free hand not holding his plate to his cheek and says, “Awww, no! Awwwww, NO! Any other-a state in the U.S. and that would-a worked! I mean, uh, don’t women up there have 10 kids or so?”

Trying to look very busy loading pineapple and watermelon on my plate, I countered, “No, that’s a small family. We usually shoot for a dozen at least.”

He looks me up and down, leans in closer to me and asks, “How many do you have?”

“Just one.”

His eyes light up, a smile creeps across his face, and he jokes, “What? Your husband have issues with himself or somethin’?”

At that point, I gave him my best “Back down, Bucko” glare I could. So he decided to try a new tactic.

“I see you’re not married, though. That’s good and you-a should-a only have one kid anyways. So much work for a young-a girl like you. You should-a come back to Vegas more often, ya know?”

I set my plate down, smiled politely. “Why?!?”

He stopped. He held his hands out to his side, one hand with a plate filled with sausages, scrambled eggs, toast, and ham, shrugs his shoulder and stutters a bit. “Well…um…uh, I was going to say to see me! (laughs) I could meet you, sweethaaarht, anywheres!”

I finished putting fruit and rolls on my plate, started walking past him, and said, “Sure, sure. I’ll just go tell my boyfriend that.”

He winked, slicked back his hair with his free hand, and said, “I gotcha, I know I gotcha. Women? They can’t stay away!”

Well, I got news for you Mr. Joey Fusco incarnate: The teal tanktop? The gold chain? The waft of inebriated air that emanated from your very being? Reeeeaaaaal turn on. I just couldn’t keep my hands off of you. Hold me back, I say. Hold. Me. Back.


And then we went back

I feel like I’ve sort of been on vacation for the past couple of weeks. I mentioned going up to the family cabin (nice respite), and then there was the July 24th holiday (Utah only), and just this past weekend, The Guy surprised me with another trip down to Vegas. Now, I don’t know if you recall that I said I would rather be dead than visit Vegas, the seventh circle of Hell, in July. I was just there with The Guy 5 weeks ago and the heat brought on a terrific migraine for me. So when he calls me up at work a week ago and asks, “Can you take off work next Monday?” “Why?” “Because I’m taking you to Vegas again” – well, I started to worry just slightly about the heat. But of course I said YES, I’ll GO!

To tell the truth, it wasn’t that bad. It was actually cooler on Saturday and Sunday than it was back in June (Monday was a different story altogether). I ended up being able to run outside no problem…just really, really early so that the heat that gets baked into the black asphalt didn’t melt my eyeballs out. I’ll say this for running in Vegas: you will never get lost. Why? Because you’ll sweat so much that you’ll leave a nice trail for someone else to follow.

We walked and walked and walked which is what you do in Vegas when you go up and down the Strip. You go in one hotel, explore, and then walk through to the next, passing all sorts of interestingly dressed folks, and so on and so forth. We ended up seeing Phantom, the Spectacular at the Venetian and The Guy was very impressed with their staging and effects. I’ve seen Phantom several times and this was another great production. It’s been shortened about 30 minutes or so to accomodate more shows (cha-ching!) so thus the name change. But the drama, the singing, the love story – bueno. All very, very good.

We also happened to catch a show of Carrot Top’s, a show I have never really wanted to see and that The Guy was very excited about. I have to say that I went in with great skepticism; I’d seen him on late night talk shows and I found him to be a little funny but more often than not completely annoying. In person? That guy is FUNNY. And smart. He was a little crass a couple of times but for the most part, we were both laughing so hard we were crying! One little tip on the tickets: we ended up getting ours for both shows at the Tix4Tonight booth down by the MGM Grand and paid 1/2 price for both shows. WORTH the effort to get down there and get in line. DO IT.

This most recent Vegas trip was so much more enjoyable and relaxing than the last. Neither of us are gamblers but we enjoy the shows, the variety, the endless food (buffet after buffet after buffet – ahem, why I went running every darn day), and the shopping. I have to say I was impressed that The Guy was a willing party to come in some stores that I know he wouldn’t be caught dead in normally. Especially since I handed him my purse several times, had him hold shoes for me, skirts for me, accessories of all types for me, bras for me (just joking, Mom!), and really didn’t complain (too loudly). Kudos to men with patience for women who shop.

For those looking to get a good deal away from the Strip, I suggest where we stayed: South Point Hotel. It’s 5 miles south of Mandalay Bay and such a nice place away from the major hustle and bustle. They had just completed a new tower and lucky us! we both got rooms in the tower that HAD NEVER BEEN SLEPT IN BEFORE. There was even this nice little welcome letter saying, “Welcome! You are the first guests to occupy this room…” Do you know what that means? NEW furniture, NEW flat screen TV mounted to the wall, NEW towels, NEW bathroom, NEW bed, and best of all BRAND SPANKING NEW sheets!! That is something I may never experience again – and it was wonderful. 🙂

The Guy and I really did enjoy ourselves quite a bit. We did have a brief conversation about a particular something that should hint at what we’ve been discussing lately…A LOT:

The Guy: How come a guy’s wedding ring is so much cheaper than a woman’s? Why can’t they be equal in price?

Moi: Do you want some big, ginormous rock sitting on your finger?

The Guy: No! Of course not. I just think…hey, wait a minute-what do you mean by some ‘big, ginormous rock’? What are you thinking here?

Moi: I’m not thinking anything, just playfully suggesting…

The Guy: A-huh. I’m just saying that a guy should spend the same amount for a ring that the girl does.

Moi: Look, I didn’t make up the rules regarding rings and costs and sizes and such. I just follow them. And it seems to dictate that the girl gets the rock while the guy gets the band. Now, if you’d prefer some godfather-type of ring for yourself, well…

The Guy (exasperated): Oh for heavens sake, no. Geez, it just seems that women get all the breaks…

And THAT little comment started up another fun debate. Regardless of our gender role debates (oh, the disparities that we both observe!), I still had a good time in Vegas. As much as The Guy loves Vegas, I’m thinking we’ll be there again sometime soon…

(We did take a few pictures this time – on HIS camera…I’ll see if he’ll let me swipe them back)