I {Heart} Swap

Swapping – the craze that is sweeping through bloghood everywhere. I had never participated in one until I happened to hear about this swap from stephmodo’s blog and thought, hmmmm, I’ll give it a try. It’s kind of fun to receive packages in the mail and why not enjoy a complete surprise?

The I {Heart} Swap was based around sending a few of your favorite things to someone else. I sent my package to Marianna in CA and I hope she enjoys it. The items I included were:

  • Gourmet caramel sauce from Papa Haydn’s in Portland, OR
  • Lush bath bomb
  • Burt’s Bees lip balm I carry in my purse all the time
  • Photo book
  • Photo/scrapbooking stickers in punchy colors
  • Etsy items – Letterpress card “suck it up cupcake“, headband and purse tissue holder made from Amy Butler fabric

All of those items come from things I enjoy or that I absolutely love to use. I have to say that there were a couple of items that were hard to part with… 🙂

I got my swap package yesterday from Campbell and oh my gosh did she send me stuff that I love!

oktoberfest-more-060.jpg   oktoberfest-more-061.jpg

All of the items Campbell sent were wrapped in brown kraft paper with a black suede ribbon tied smartly around each one. The only item unwrapped was the cute mini colander – but how do you wrap a colander? Caden was excited to help open all the items (translation – he didn’t “help” so much as took over opening everything).

I was so thrilled with each item! It was kind of hilarious because one of the first items I opened I pretty much knew what it was because of the strong scent. Campbell had sent me a bath bomb from Lush!! One that I haven’t tried so I’m stoked to try a new one. Then there was this cute little marzipan pear, a tiny journal (which I collect journals so this was absolutely perfect), letterpress cards (seriously, how ironic is it that what I sent out came back to me?), cute gift tags, this cool box of matches, Clif bars, and Caden’s favorite – pirate bandaids (how awesome is that?!). Wow – I couldn’t have been happier with what I received and it has enticed me to do it again sometime.



Thanks again, Campbell! I loved it all!!


  1. kelly · October 15, 2007

    what a great package! it’s so much fun seeing what other people choose to send. & i know what you mean… sometimes it really can be hard to part with some of the things you are sending out!

  2. angelbrew · October 18, 2007

    Yes, parting was such sweet sorrow with some of those items I sent. BTW, the stuff you sent Steph was so darling! I loved it!

  3. Marianna · November 2, 2007

    Sorry I am so slow in responding to your fabulous package! I just today posted about it on my blog! (http://nathanandmarianna.blogspot.com/2007/10/swaping.html) I am slowly catching up on things now that the Nike Marathon is over. I read you post about why you run and I can totally relate! And I need advice on running more than one, because I think I’m hooked… I am running a half in a month. 🙂 Good luck in Tokyo! That’s awesome! And thanks again for the AWESOME package!

  4. Pingback: 7 small surprises « The Eyes have it

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