Pink is the new Black

By now, everyone that knows me knows I am in the job hunt as my position at Intel winds down to its conclusion on January 4, 2010. I’ve technically held my “pink slip” since last October 2008. Wow…man, time flies by so fast when you having fu–oh, wait.

Many other companies have let several people go to provide them the opportunity to slip back into the black. Some people I know quite well have lost their lucrative positions because they just made too much money and it was easier for a company to hire a new college grad and pay them duckets instead of a nice, healthy salary. So much for that “experienced” candidate!

I’m somewhere in the middle – four years out of grad school but with 10 plus years experience in my fields of expertise: communications and event planning. The frustrating part is looking at what salaries are being offered. Sheesh! Well, when you are in a market where supply is greater than demand…

It’s all about getting back to the black. So out comes a lot of pink.

I’m thinking of sprucing up my next interview outfit with pale pink. 🙂

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